A carta perdida que Fidel escreveu, aos 14 anos, para Roosevelt
Da Superinteressante:
Fidel disse numa entrevista que, aos 14 anos, tinha mandado uma carta pro Franklin Roosevelt, pedindo uma nota de US$ 10. E que até recebeu uma resposta da assessoria do presidente dos EUA, mas nada dos US$ 10.
Ele revelou isso em 1975. E de fato: dois anos depois, a Casa Branca encontrou a carta, transcrita abaixo, datada de 6 de novembro de 1940.
“Mr. Franklin Roosevelt
President of the United States:
My good friend Roosevelt:
I don’t know very English, but I know as much as write to you.
I like to hear the radio, and I am very happy, because I heard in it, that you will be President for a new (period).
I am twelve years old. I am a boy but I think very much, but I do not think that I am writing to the President of the United States.
If you like, give me a ten dollars bill green american in the letter, because never, I have not seen a ten dollars bill green american and I would like to have one of them.
My address is:
Sr. Fidel Castro
Colegio de Dolores
Santiago de Cuba
Oriente Cuba
I don’t know very English but I know very much Spanish and I suppose you don’t know very Spanish but you know very English because you are American but I am not American.
Thank you very much
Good by. Your friend,
F. Castro (signed)
Fidel Castro
If you want iron to make your ships I will show to you the bigest (mines) of iron in the land. They are in Mayorí, Oriente, Cuba.”
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